How Docupilot Works

Build Your Template

Build Your Template

Write your template in Microsoft Word or on the in-house Document Builder. You can even upload a fillable PDF.You can build dynamic content using:
  • Variables
  • Conditionals
  • Loops
  • Tables

Generate Documents

Stop creating documents manually. Docupilot lets you automate your document creation workflow in the following ways:
  • Data Capture Form
  • Connect you data source from online applications like CRM, Online Forms, Online Database, etc
  • Zapier Integration
  • API Integration
Generate Documents
Document Delivery

Document Delivery

You can automate your document workflow further by configuring deliveries.
Use Cases
  • Generate and Email PDF"s from Google Forms response
  • Create and Email personalized Sales Documents When a Lead is Created in SalesForce
  • Generate Documents and store in Google Drive or Dropbox for Backup & Audit
  • Send generated documents to Docusign for e-Signing