Lease Purchase Agreements: What is it and How to Automate?

May 18, 2024

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Lease Purchase Agreements: What is it and How to Automate?

May 18, 2024



Owning a home marks a significant financial milestone for individuals. However, many aspiring homeowners face challenges on the traditional route, such as saving a substantial down payment, meeting strict mortgage requirements, and navigating complex closing procedures. A lease purchase agreement comes in handy for them, for aspiring homeowners to rent a property with the option to purchase it later. This arrangement benefits individuals who might not yet qualify for a mortgage.

However, these unique arrangements involve complexities that necessitate careful documentation. Manually drafting a lease purchase agreement can be a tedious and error-prone process due to the double whammy of containing terms for leasing and buying, unlike leasing, rental, and purchase agreements. 

Packed with legal considerations and specific terms, creating a compliant and comprehensive document can be daunting. However,  nowadays property managers are leveraging document automation software to create such real estate contracts in bulk - more about that later. 

In this blog, we'll learn in detail about lease purchase agreements. We'll explore their structure, key elements, and the advantages they offer to both buyers and sellers. We'll also shed light on how document automation software ensures accuracy, compliance, and the ability to quickly customize agreements for any unique scenario.

What is a lease purchase agreement?

A lease purchase agreement, also known as a rent-to-own agreement, bridges the gap between renting and owning a property. It's a unique contractual arrangement between a buyer (lessee) and a seller (lessor) that combines elements of both a lease and a purchase agreement. 

This agreement functions similarly to a lease, with the renter (lessee) making rental payments (which act as the down payment) to the landlord and living there for a fixed period. However, unlike a standard lease, the renter (lessee) holds the right to purchase the property at a predetermined price once the lease period ends. The renter pays a fee upfront, a.k.a option fee, to secure the option to purchase the property at the end of the lease.

With both the seller and buyer agreeing upon a purchase price, granting the buyer exclusive rights to acquire the property, it's hard to resist. This arrangement not only provides a clear path to homeownership but also instills a sense of confidence by allowing the renter to stay in the property for a substantial period before buying the property and control the purchasing process.

How to structure a lease purchase agreement?

A lease purchase agreement combines both a lease agreement and a contract of sale. So, correctly structuring is crucial to protecting the interests of both parties involved.  The lease agreement portion outlines the rental terms, responsibilities, and rules the tenant must follow during the lease period. The contract of sale portion then specifies the terms for exercising the purchase option and transferring ownership once the lease expires.

Here are some of the components and terms you can expect to find in both:

  1. Determine lease agreement length: As the name suggests, the first thing to do is to determine the tenure of the lease, i.e. the buyer and seller must agree on a period that benefits both parties. The lease period should be stated in the agreement clearly with a start and end date. Typical lease lengths range between  1-5 years, though some may be shorter or longer depending on the particular circumstances. The lease term should balance giving the tenant/buyer enough time to repair credit and save for a down payment, while not dragging on too long for the landlord/seller's interest.
  1. Consider a security deposit: A security deposit is a standard requirement in most rental agreements, including lease purchase contracts. This lump sum payment serves as protection for the landlord/seller against any damages or unpaid rent during the lease period.
  1. Determine the purchase price: Determining the purchase price is one of the most critical components when structuring a lease purchase agreement. The “contract of sale” portion of the agreement specifies the terms for the eventual purchase and includes the price to acquire the property. 

There are a few common approaches to setting this price:

  • Price at lease start plus increases - The purchase price is set to the property's market value at the start of the lease, with annual increases (e.g. 3-5%) added each year of the lease to account for appreciation.
  • Agreed fixed price - Both parties negotiate and set a fixed purchase price upfront. This price is typically higher than the current market value to account for expected property appreciation during the lease term.
  • Appraisal at lease end - Rather than fixing the price upfront, it is determined by a professional appraisal conducted towards the end of the lease period to assess the property's fair market value at that time.
  1. Tax and insurance responsibility:  The agreement must clearly define who is responsible for paying maintenance fees, homeowners insurance, and property taxes. Typically, the seller (landlord) remains responsible for paying property taxes and homeowner's insurance throughout the lease term because they retain ownership.
  1. Include rent credit details: Sellers can include a clause in the agreement that explicitly states how much percentage of the monthly rent payment will be credited towards the down payment on the purchase price if the buyer exercises the purchase option.
  1. Define maintenance responsibilities: Clear delineation of maintenance responsibilities is critical in a lease purchase agreement to avoid disputes down the road. The responsibility for maintenance usually falls on the seller (landlord) like a standard lease agreement. However, some lease purchase contracts may involve shared responsibilities i.e. the agreement might split maintenance duties based on repair type (minor vs. major). In some cases, particularly if a portion of the rent is credited towards the purchase, the buyer (tenant) might be responsible for all maintenance during the lease term. 
  1. Address miscellaneous terms: The lease purchase agreement must include as many situational details as possible to solidify the contract and avoid ambiguities. Consulting with a real estate attorney can also ensure no key legal terms are omitted.

Benefits of Lease Purchase Agreement

The lease purchase agreement stands as a mutually advantageous arrangement, offering compelling benefits to both sellers and buyers alike. Beyond serving the immediate needs of individual parties, these agreements contribute to the overall stability and dynamism of the real estate market. 

 Let's look at some of the key advantages:

The Buyer Benefits

  • Lock-in purchase price: In an ever-changing real estate market, locking in a purchase price through a lease purchase agreement provides buyers with valuable protection against future price increases. 
  • More time to improve credit: For buyers who may not currently qualify for a traditional mortgage due to credit or financial constraints, a lease purchase agreement offers a lifeline. By providing additional time to improve credit scores, save for a down payment, or address other financial challenges, buyers can position themselves for success and eventually secure the financing needed to complete the purchase.
  • Avoid moving again: Moving is not only stressful, but it’s costly. With a lease purchase agreement, buyers are more committed to the property. 
  • Build equity gradually: Unlike traditional rental arrangements where monthly payments provide no long-term benefit, lease purchase agreements allow buyers to accumulate equity over time. Rent credits accrued throughout the lease period can contribute towards the eventual purchase of the property, enabling buyers to gradually build wealth and financial stability.
  • Rent turns into down payments: With each rent payment made under a lease purchase agreement, buyers are essentially contributing towards their future down payment. This forced savings mechanism encourages financial discipline and helps buyers accumulate the funds needed to transition from renting to homeownership.

The Seller Benefits

  • Consistent rental income stream: With a lease purchase agreement in place, sellers can count on a steady stream of rental income throughout the lease period. Even if the sale ultimately falls through, sellers receive regular rental income in addition to the option fee paid by the buyer upfront, which can help offset expenses and provide financial stability.
  • Get a more responsible tenant: Buyers who enter into lease purchase agreements typically have a vested interest in the property's future, as they intend to eventually purchase it. As a result, sellers can expect their property to be well-maintained and cared for during the lease period, minimizing the need for costly repairs or renovations.
  • No upfront bidding wars: Unlike traditional sales transactions where sellers may need to navigate bidding wars or negotiate with multiple buyers, lease purchase agreements typically involve a single motivated buyer. This simplifies the sales process for sellers, eliminating extensive negotiations and ensuring a smoother transaction.

Challenges in Creating Lease Purchase Agreements

Crafting a legally compliant and accurate lease purchase agreement can seem like a difficult task full of pitfalls. Unlike a simple lease agreement, this unique contract requires careful attention to terms and clauses, as well as complex calculations and consideration of property laws and regulations, which can vary by state and municipality.

Creating these lengthy agreements manually allows for formatting or terminology inconsistencies to occur across sections. Manual calculations also increase the risk of errors, which could lead to expensive financial mistakes in the future.

Furthermore, it is necessary to customize the agreement to reflect the specific deal points negotiated between each buyer and seller. Customizing generic templates would be time-consuming and manual adjustments could result in inconsistencies that may compromise the effectiveness of the agreement.

With so many complex components requiring precise attention, attempting to manually draft a comprehensive lease purchase contract leaves room for costly omissions, inconsistencies, and miscalculations. This is where purpose-built document automation software becomes a game-changing solution to simplify and safeguard the process.

Why should you leverage document automation software to create a lease agreement?

Document automation software tackles the above-mentioned challenges head-on, offering a streamlined and efficient solution:

  • Automated generation: Document automation software offers pre-built templates for easy document creation. It can automatically extract data from various sources such as CRM or spreadsheets to pre-fill tenant and property information, saving valuable time. Real estate professionals also have the option to create customized templates for their lease agreements using the intuitive drag-and-drop interface that most document automation tools provide.
  • Accurate calculations: Document automation software can handle complex calculations or formulas precisely, eliminating manual errors and reducing the risk of inaccuracies.
  • Standardized formatting: By utilizing document automation software, real estate professionals can ensure consistent formatting for every lease agreement they generate, resulting in a polished and professional appearance.
  • Easy customization: Most document automation software allows for simple customization, including editable fields for clauses and terms, to meet specific requirements. This increases flexibility without compromising accuracy.


By embracing document automation software, real estate professionals can significantly improve the lease purchase agreement creation process. It's a win-win situation for both efficiency and accuracy, allowing you to focus more on clients and strategic business goals. Are you ready to streamline your lease purchase agreement process and empower your business? Try Docupilot for free.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. What is a lease purchase agreement (LPA)?

A lease purchase agreement, also known as a rent-to-own agreement, is a contract between a buyer (tenant) and seller (landlord) that combines elements of both leasing and buying a property. The buyer rents the property for a set period with the option to purchase it at a predetermined price by the end of the lease term.

2. What is the difference between a lease agreement and a lease purchase agreement?

While both involve renting a property, their long-term goals differ.  A lease agreement is a traditional rental contract: you pay rent to live there for a set time, with no option to buy.  On the other hand, a lease purchase agreement lets you rent with the option to purchase the property at a predetermined price by the lease's end.  Some agreements may even credit a portion of your rent towards a down payment.

3. Who benefits from a lease purchase agreement?

Both buyers and sellers can benefit from a lease purchase agreement in different ways:

For Buyers:

  • Lock in a future purchase price: This protects against rising housing costs in a hot market.
  • Improve credit score: On-time rent payments can help build a positive credit history.
  • Save for a down payment: A portion of the rent may go towards the down payment, making it easier to qualify for a mortgage later.
  • "Try before you buy": Living in the property allows them to assess its suitability for their needs before committing to purchase.

For Sellers:

  • Guaranteed income: Rent payments provide a steady income stream throughout the lease term.
  • Potential for higher sale price: The final purchase price may be higher than the market value at the time of the initial agreement.
  • Committed buyer: The buyer is already invested in the property and may take better care of it during the lease.

4. Should all buyers opt for a lease purchase agreement?

A lease purchase agreement can be a good option for some buyers, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Before opting for a lease purchase agreement, one should carefully consider their financial situation, goals, and drawbacks. Also, one should remember that while a lease purchase agreement offers benefits like building credit and potentially locking in a purchase price, there are drawbacks that one should think about. For instance, in some cases, the final price may be higher at the end of the lease and you could lose the upfront fee if you decide not to buy the property.

Did you know?

According to a Thompson Reuters, respondents who use document automation for lease agreements (22%) report that they have time to Leverage workflows to develop new business models with clients and Win new clients with better business development.